Pangea founder and executive director, Niloufar Khonsari, is featured as a rising star in Ozy Magazine. See the full article and video here.
"Most of Pangea’s clients are from Latin America, and they find their way to the office only after being threatened with deportation, so this is not a group that benefits from sympathy; in 2014, almost 316,000 undocumented immigrants were deported. Clients who do win asylum are put on a path to citizenship and given a work visa. What makes Khonsari so good is that she can navigate the politics. She’s been known to take clients to meet with lawmakers, and in the courtroom, she sticks around after decisions to ask for feedback from judges and prosecutors. What swayed their decision? What could she do differently? It may be classic Sun Tzu, but it works. She’s kind to her core, but at the same time she has guts, says Francisco Ugarte, an immigration attorney with the San Francisco Public Defender’s Office."