Pangea Legal Services offers this information to help resource and equip our immigrant communities, now and in the future. Check back for updated resources and programs. Read below to find out about spaces for collective healing, action, and legal support, and resources to learn more about your rights.
Join Pangea’s Healing Justice convenings: Pangea and Colibrí Collective launched an innovative four-month-long Healing Justice program for members of the community, who were formerly detained by ICE,and their family members to come together in a held space to meet others navigating shame/stigma, grief/re-building, and trust/accountability. Participants use art to process these topics, break bread together, and move collectively toward healing. Fill out an interest form here to join.
Attend our Monthly Leadership Meetings: Pangea’s Leadership Meetings are a space for and by formerly detained people, immigrants fighting deportation, and asylum seekers and their families. Led by a core group of Pangea members and former clients, the group meets monthly to cultivate leadership and organizing skills, learn restorative justice practices, and host quarterly community events to end immigrant detention and stop deportations. To get involved, fill out an interest form.
Join Papeles Para Todxs: Join Pangea’s base-building driving force, Papeles Para Todxs (PPT)! PPT is organizing and mobilizing to end immigrant detention in California and win citizenship for all nationally! The group meets twice a month to cultivate leadership and organizing skills. We’re building the power of undocumented communities together. To get involved, fill out an interest form.
Support your local Rapid Response network: Get involved as a volunteer with the Rapid Response Network in your county! Together, volunteers educate and mobilize their communities to know their rights and what to do if ICE tries to detain a loved one. Volunteers also verify ICE activity for all calls of alleged ICE enforcement activity, to help dispel false alarms and lessen fear.
Santa Clara County: Fill out a rapid responder volunteer interest here.
San Mateo County: Fill out a rapid response verifier interest form here.
San Francisco County: To get involved, fill out an interest form.
Calls to Action: Follow Pangea for ongoing ways to take action at the intersection of racial, economic, disability, and migrant justice!
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Call a Rapid Response hotline if you or your loved one is detained by ICE. Call the county where you live:
Santa Clara County: 408-290-1144
San Mateo County: 203-666-4472
San Francisco City/County: 415-200-1548
Alameda County: 510-241-4011
Contra Costa County: 925-900-5151
Don’t see your county on this list? Find Rapid Response hotlines in other CA counties here.
Get a free, in-person legal consultation through the Santa Clara County Rapid Response Network’s quarterly legal clinics. Open to all immigrants––you do not have to be a Santa Clara County resident. A volunteer attorney will assess your case and help you understand your rights and options. Attorneys from Pangea and other partner organizations participate, allowing more community members to get a consult than by going through individual organizations. Follow the RRN on Facebook or on Instagram.
Key Resources to Learn About Your Rights
Know Your Rights Collection (Immigrant Defense Project, 2025): Large, collection of infographics and information about what to do if Immigration (ICE) approaches you at your home, in your car, or on the street as well as how to document ICE activity and prepare before encountering ICE. English | Español
We Have Rights videos (Brooklyn Defender Service, Witness, Tank: Short videos to help immigration communities prepare for and safely defend our rights during encounters with Immigration (ICE). Available in 7 languages! English | Español
Red Cards (ILRC): Printable, in 8 languages to distribute to community members. To use if you ever have an interaction with the police of Immigration (ICE) English | Español
How to Use Your Red Card (ILRC): Multilingual
Step-by-Step Family Preparedness Plan (ILRC, 2018): Every immigrant family should have a plan for what to do in an emergency. This step-by-step guide will help you understand your rights and create a plan for your children in the event you are not available to care for them. English | Español
Toolkit to educate your community! (IDP, 2025): A train-the-trainer toolkit on holding a Know-Your-Rights presentation in your community.
Know Your Rights handout (ILRC, 2017): Practical tips for things immigrant families can do now to prepare as well as information on rights everyone has in the United States, regardless of immigration status. English | Español
Emergency Toolkit (SFILEN, 2017): Information for understanding your immigration status, your rights when encountering the police or Immigration (ICE), and creating a family emergency plan. English | Español
Deportations and Detentions Brochure with information about your rights if you are arrested by police or Immigration (ICE), what to expect after an arrest, and how your friends and family can help (SFILEN, 2015): English | Español
Further Resources for Connection and Healing
Instituto Familiar De La Raza (IFR): IFR provides health & wellness programs and services to San Francisco’s Latinx community.
Freedom Community Clinic: Based in Oakland, CA, Freedom Community Clinic (FCC) is a community-based integrative health ecosystem that uplifts the wisdom of Ancestral Medicine with the strengths of Western medicine to provide revolutionary, community-centered Whole-Person Healing to the People. In all its offerings, FCC prioritizes healing for Black, Brown, Native, and immigrant communities. Upcoming events here.
The People’s Clinic, Anti Police-Terror Project (APTP): APTP is a Black-led, multi-racial, intergenerational coalition that supports families surviving police terror in their fight for justice, documenting police abuses and connecting impacted families and community members with resources, legal referrals, and opportunities for healing. The People’s Clinic takes place on the first and third Friday of the month. It provides an abolitionist healing space for communities impacted by police and state violence.
Latinx Therapist Action Network: A national network and online platform centering the healing of Latinx migrant peoples and movements. The network honors and affirms the dignity and healing of migrant communities marginalized by criminalization, detention, and deportation.