On May 21, 2014, Alameda County Sheriff Greg Ahern and Contra Costa County Sheriff David Livingston declared that they will stop honoring all detainer requests by ICE and will immediately release all detainees whose sole reason for being held is their immigration status.
This change in Alameda and Contra Costa counties policy is a huge positive step for the immigrant community. Although it does not completely restore due process for all, as ICE continues to have free access to county jails, this is a great improvement for Alameda and Contra Costa residents.
Pangea Legal Services, together with ACUDIR, will continue to advocate for due process rights for all in Alameda County and other Bay Area counties.
For additional information, see:http://www.insidebayarea.com/news/ci_25809942/east-bay-sheriffs-release-immigrants-held-feds