Pangea immigration attorney, Niloufar Khonsari, was featured on KIQI AM 1010, San Francisco’s Multicultural Radio Station on Thursday, June 11, at 10am.  With Marcos Gutierrez, executive producer and host of radio program “Hecho en California,” Khonsari informed Spanish-speaking immigrants in the San Francisco Bay Area about consequences of notario fraud in the context of comprehensive immigration reform. 

Highlighting the importance of receiving consultations from attorneys and nonprofit organizations, Khonsari encouraged immigrants to seek second opinions and provided specific information about the pending immigration reform bill. The interview began with Khonsari distinguishing the term “Notario” as defined in the United States with its meaning in Latin America. Khonsari and Gutierrez concluded with a call-in Q&A session for tuned-in listeners for whom Khonsari explained various legal matters and reiterated that the immigration reform bill is not yet final. 

For more information on Marcos Gutierrez and “Hecho en California” of KIQI, please see: